Stop Drinking Soda!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Soda remains one of the top beverages of choice for millions of people and unfortunately for some, it has become an addiction. Many people are addicted to soda and find it difficult to kick the habit. I have witnessed people drink entire cases of soda throughout the day while working. Can after can, or bottle after bottle, soda is adding excessive pounds to many people's waistlines year after year. The extra calories and sugar content are turning into fat in people's stomachs. Choosing to stop drinking soda can help lose the extra weight.

How Soda Can Increase Belly Fat

Soda contains everything our bodies do not need. Sugar, phosphoric acid, caffeine, artificial colors, and more are added to these beverages. The sugar content alone is what causes much of the weight gain in people. The average can of soda can contain 10 teaspoons of sugar. Imagine drinking 1 or more sodas per day. That is consuming extra calories as well as excessive amounts of sugar that turn into fat when not burned.

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, drinking soda on a regular basis is one of the quickest ways to gain weight. This weight gain, particularly in your stomach, may lead to other health problems such as obesity, diabetes, or heart disease.

Easy Ways to Stop Drinking Soda

Many people may feel that giving up soda is a hard thing to do. I used to think the same way and grew up drinking soda. I drank soda with almost every meal. I didn't think it would be easy to give up, but to my surprise, it was easier to give up than I thought. Here is what I did to break my soda habit.

  • Stop buying soda when you grocery shop
  • Buy sparkling water or mix club soda with fruit juice
  • Drink water, iced tea, or juice when dining out
  • Keep cold water in the fridge at all times

The simple method of not having soda in your home will help you to break the habit much faster. You will become accustomed to drinking other beverages to take its place. It is important not to swap soda for another soft-drink that contains just as much sugar. Beware of drinks that market themselves as health drinks yet contain just as much sugar. Read the labels on all of your beverages.

Are you ready to stop drinking soda and lose belly fat? Visit belly fat cure and discover various simple methods to lose weight.